Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Life Lessons & Reflections

I have friends much more adept at blogging than myself-who frequently remind me that the purpose of blogging is to actually write....so here I go, months after my first post attempting to enter the digital world with some finesse! My thoughts for the day are centered on the lessons I am currently learning from the Lord, my sister with cancer, and others who are influencing my life. My friend Diane Cunningham posted this today on her Life Purpose Coaching Site:

What NOT To Do in 10 Easy Concepts
Life Lesson #1 Life is not all about you.
Life Lesson #2 Life is not about sitting on the bench.
Lilfe Lesson #3 Life is not about winning.
Life Lesson #4 Life is not about whining.
Life Lesson #5 Life is not about money.
Life Lesson #6 Life is not about your title.
Life Lesson #7 Life is not about your past.
Life Lesson #8 Life is not about revenge.
Life Lesson #9 Life is not about doing more.
Life Lesson #10 Life is not OVER!!

What do you need to LEARN today?

Which leads back to me and my poderings on what I've learned so far:
Life Lesson #1-From my current study in the book of Esther-an affirmation that we are created with a purpose and it is to glorify the Lord in the unique way and time He has made for us. It's not an easy path, but it is a Chosen path.
Life Lesson #2-I can decide if I travel my path or not.
Life Lesson #3-God's purpose for me always includes others.
Life Lesson#4- Nuff said
Life Lesson #5-God is the provider-period.
Life Lesson #6- so true, so true, but, as in Esther, sometimes the title is the way God chooses to use me.
Life Lesson #7-My past does NOT determine my future.
Life Lesson #8-Revenge in my life leads to roots of bitterness which rises up to defile many. Not my best option.
Life Lesson #9-Be still and know that I am God.
Life Lesson #10-Not only is it not over, but it is a predetermined position. There is rest in knowing I am not in charge, that God does see the whole picture, and He loves me best... and not only me but my sister and her family, my divorced parents, the guy down the street that doesn't think like me, the mean kids, the prodigals.

So, what do I need to Learn today? How to love.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Mirror, Mirror

I have 5 children, somewhat remarkable in this day-at least lots of folks remark on it! But one child in particular has an interesting teacher. This teacher requires a writer's journal to be written in with regularity. The interesting part of this requirement is the parameters the teacher has set. There is to be no personal reflection, writing, or ranting as this teacher doesn't have the time to read all of that drama. Instead, write, write, write, and there is to be an improvement over the last entry. As I was musing on that and the message it sends to the students I was intrigued at the societal reflection. Are we like this teacher, so busy with our own lives that we simply don't have time to be interrupted, bothered by the issues of others, or tolerant of anyone not "like" me? Do we need people only in so far as they have something to offer us? Or, in direct contrast do I act like Jesus in my model of loving others, having compassion, or listening without looking at my watch? Do I allow folks to share what is happening in their lives without my interrupting and "fixing" their problems? Do I listen and then reflect? Or, like the aforementioned teacher, do I project the attitude, "I don't have time for your drama, I have enough of my own?" I have found the scripture in Ephesians 4:1-3 to be particularly challenging. Paul writes, I, therefore, a prisoner of the Lord, entreat you to walk in a manner worthy of the calling with which you have been called, with all humility and gentleness, with patience, showing forebearance to one another in love, being diligent to preserve the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. This verse challenges me because I simply am too busy most of the time. I am not really interested in the manner of my walk if I am mad, or tired, or even irritated. Humility AND gentleness? Are you serious? Do you know what just happenend.... which leads me to an inner battle with self and my rights. If I am focused on my schedule and my "TO DO" list then people, even my precious family, can get left in the dust of my busy-ness. I find when I neglect my personal time of reflection in front of the Savior and my diligent study of His Word is when I get the most busy and distracted. How about you? Is your walk worthy of your calling? If you are not as peaceful as you'd like to be then why not grab your Bible, a cup of tea, and spend a few minutes on you! I know it sure improves my reflection!